Tyrion Lannister walked into the tavern wearing his iconic "I Am the God of Tits and Wine" T-shirt, and the room fell silent—not out of respect for the title, but because everyone was wondering where on earth they could get one for themselves. The shirt was a bold proclamation of his two greatest passions, and it clung to him like a second skin—though whether that was from ale spills or years of questionable laundry practices was up for debate. Tyrion, of course, strutted up to the bar like the noble (or slightly intoxicated) lion that he was, and declared, "Refill my goblet and praise be to the fruits of the vine and the bosom of a fair maiden!" The bartender, unsure whether to laugh or genuflect, simply handed him a drink. Because let's face it: when the god of tits and wine makes a request, you don’t ask questions.